
Monday, September 05, 2005

Coolest email I have ever recieved:

I recieved an email from a member from my favorite band today. Definitely one of the coolest things ever.


I've noticed that you like our music (ssrs), and I've noticed, that you do animation? Well, first, thanks for saying nice things about us. We continue to make SSRS music, but as you can tell, we've taken a different approach to becoming rich and famous. But, one idea we've had is to use our recordings to do a full-length animated concert film of our music. Kind of like song remains the same, but without the sleepy interludes of John Bonham's car collection. Of course animation is expensive, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. We have some money, but not a ton. Let me know what you think, if you think about it at all. We're kind of imagining Speed Racer meets Pink Floyd at Pompeii meets cereal box. Stickshift Rocketship loves mankind. We just want to give back to the community.

Thanks again.

Ultraman (John Murray)

And also, I bought a legal copy of Photoshop. Thats all I did today.

Monday's gimmick is, umm... Gush about something I love day.

So now I shall gush about the Farcry demo I played yesterday.


Its like being Arnold Schwarzennegar in Commando or Collateral Damage. It has a very spiffy spy-movie mentality, intergrating all the best elements of big-budget action movies into intensely compelling gameplay with spectacular graphics. Start out on a little boat, and run up to an island with a pistol, shoot up the place Rambo-style, and take a bigger gun. And a boat with a gun. So then you can take that boat and storm a nearby beach with a dunebuggy (that also has a gun) so you drive up and start running over people and shooting stuff. The whole experience there just feels like the movie Commando. After a trek through a jungle, you James Bond your way through a little underground complex, and then later blow up a Sattelite dish and run out of the building in a flash of pure big-budget style.

Its a wonderful mix of style and substance. The aestehtic makes you feel like a total badass and the gameplay is just intensely fun. I have no doubt that I will buy the game very soon. It is recomended!

Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!


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