An Explanation of Ayavaron (Image Heavy)
Since, I don't want to talk about anything pertaining to me currently right now so I'm just going to dedicate this post to answering in a lot of depth a question I get asked fairly often. If you're expecting a 2 Minute Poem, I'll do it tomorrow. I'd like this to be pristine for archival purposes.Ayavaron. People often ask me what the Hell "Ayavaron" is. Ayavaron is a character I created a great many years ago, and for some reason that I cannot place, the character has remained dear to me and I use the name for just about everything on the internet. The name is completely original and everything Google turns up when searching for "Ayavaron" pertains directly to me.
Now, I'm going to organize this into questions and answers.
1. What's Ayavaron From?
I had to create a name for a character in a multiplayer Java game my friend played called Dragon Court. I was probably about nine at the time, and Dragon Court was the closest I'd ever experienced to a MMORPG. After seeing my friend play it, I wanted to try it. But I had to come up with a name first. I couldn't come up with one for some time, but then while listening to the Weird Al song, "Smells Like Nirvana," it came to me.
"Well, I'm yellin' and we're playin'
But I don't know what I'm sayin'
What's the message I'm conveyin'?
Can you tell me what I'm sayin'?
So have you got some idea?
Didn't think so
Well, I'll see ya
Sayonara, sayonara
Ayonawa, hodinawa
Odinaya, yodinaya
Yaddayadda, yaaahyaaah
-Copyright "Weird" Al Yankovic*
And I played with that for a second, and it became Ayavaron.
2. How do you pronounce Ayavaron?
3. Does Ayavaron have a backstory?
Dragon Court had me come up with a description for my character and that was the first time I thought about anything for the character.
Eventually, my friends and I wanted to make a video game, but of course not a one of us had any skill in anything useful for making video games. Nonetheless, we designed characters and a storyline. It was in this creative time that Ayavaron was granted a backstory and a role in the game.
Commander Irving Astroth Varon (I.A. Varon - get it?) was the head scientist for a project to develop time travel. The vessel goes back in time and then malfunctions, killing his crew, and leaving him with massive memory loss stranded in the past. He takes residence in a local village, gets married, and has a son.
Eventually, the town is attacked by his future self who had gone back in time. His future self had magical powers. His son somehow manages to go back into Ayavaron's time during the course of the attack. Ayavaron is hit with a magical blast from his future self and wakes up with budding magical powers and a thirst for souls. So after he's used his magical power to take over a bunch of the place, his son gets sent back in time and he takes it upon himself to thwart the local tryrant. Annoyed at the nuisance, Ayavaron goes back in time to his old village to kill his son, which in turn gives him his magical powers.
He fails to kill his son and goes back to fighting his sun in his present. He ends up blowing his castle out into space. The explosion sends his sun into his own time and the castle doesn't return to Earth until it becomes the time he came from.
And then... no one really cares, right? Because I stopped caring about the backstory at some point as well. If you want more, let me know in the comments and I'll edit it, but I don't want to keep going with that.
4. Do you have a drawing of Ayavaron.
I have done many over the years, here are two.
The first one I ever did of Ayavaron back in the fifth grade:

This one I drew today and colored in Photoshop:

5. But I have mroe questions!
Put 'em in the comments and I'll update this to answer them.
*I assert this to be fair use of the lyrics. Please do not sue me.
Way ahead of you. I checked a week ago, and saw you everywhere. This Ayavaron guy should go into politics. I could use a man like him in my pockets. he ha HA HA!
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