
Monday, October 03, 2005

Oh, how I apologize.

I'm sorry. I suppose it is largely my fault. I had several oppurtunities throughout the day yesterday in which I could have easily done an update for this blog, but I was waiting until the day was over, you know, in case something happened which was worth writing about, however, nothing of note did happen except for buying Photoshop Elements 2 (which is far superior and slightly cheaper than Elements 3) and some famously innovative while infamously buggy 3D software called Carrara Studio v.1.1 w/A free gift called Amapi v.5 Apparently Amapi is a NURBS based 3D modelling solution. I've always wanted to mess with NURBS.

Anyway, my plans for putting up a bunch of old old drawings yesterday was foiled by the fact that my Mom made me do homework for the last three hours of the day, and I'm glad I did my homework. My grades have suffered enough. I'll post the images for yesterday up tonight alongside (at the bottom of) the primary post, I'd do it now, but you see time is limitted and I must be going soon.

I'll return to write sometime when school is done.

Ooh! And I remembered something that did happen yesterday. I'll write about that too.

Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!


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