
Friday, November 25, 2005

Layer Styles

I was just reading about The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and thinking about how Photoshop Elements 3 seriously pissed me off by removing the Layer Styles feature. Thats when I realized something. It wouldn't be hard to improve upon the feature and incorporate it into the GIMP.


Basically, waht the Layer Styles functions do is they perform a filter on a layer after every action done on the layer. I'm sure thats not how they do it in Photoshop Elements 2 and Photoshop 7 through CS2 because this would probably kind of slow, but it would be a wholly acceptable method for something similar in a freeware application.

So, if someone could add to GIMP, the ability to set a Filter Group onto a layer, that would rock. For those who are interested in doing this, let me explain:

Next to each layer, there would be a little button you could click to edit the Filter Group. You could select different filters (Color, Texture, and Gradient Overlay would definitely need to be added to the list of filters) that would be performed on the layer. Then you could reorder the filters via drag and drop. Then, after any edit is made on that layer, all of these filters would be performed.

Now, to be clear, the Filters aren't actually performed. The underlying image is still saved. In Photoshop, you can uncheck the Layer Styles box next to the layer and revert the image back to its unfiltered state.

I have no doubt that I would be a fulltime GIMP user if they added that, and a few other small(-ish) features.

-Polygonal Selection Tool
-OpenGL-powered 3D model loader
--Ability to pose animated 3D models
---This would be for tracing them, saving time on drawing.
-Everything loads in a single window (perhaps with tabs) as opposed to each thing being a new window filling up the bar on the bottom of the screen.

Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!


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