
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Depressed Day

Normally, I try to be at least sort of cheerful but there are days when that is difficult.

The morning went alright but then when I got to English class, the day's quality signifcantly decreased.

Apparently, the final draft for narratives was due today as opposed to tomorrow as I thought it was. Why would I be confused? The movable dry erase board on which homework is written had been moved. In its place was the 9th grade's homework board. The 9th grade has a final draft due tomorrow and I thought that was our board. I also thought we had some homework in the grammar book I was gonna have to fake having done.

Then in Math class, Mr. Gresser showed everybody their grades. Things aren't looking good there. I've got about a 70-some percent and I can blame some on that quiz I didn't get finished and got a 40% on but I feel like I should be doing better.

I'm not doing so hot Latin either. Mr. McMahon showed me my grades and its also a 70-some percent. Its not a good feeling when you've gone all your life so far thinking you were smart and then being provn wrong by some horrible grades.

It really sucks.

Then Cross Country practice was especially boring. There was seriously nothing to do at all. I just sat there while the guys ran a really long course. Then my Dad picked me up and we went to go pick my sister up from Cheerleading practice. We waited like an hour before she finished the practice.

I was so happy to get back home where I could watch TV which is what I've been doing up to this point. Now, I shall return to TV.

Oh, I almost forgot about the ranting I must do now.

I hate people who see nothing wrong with the story from another guy's blog I posted yesterday. I'm speaking specifically of this guy Kevin Riedel. I think we both pretend to be each others friends just because most of our other friends are shared among us.

He just can't find anything wrong with brainwashing little kids and that pisses me off majorly. That is my rant.

That is fairly dispointing in its rantiness. Sorry, more depression today than anger. i hope my next rant is better.

Eh... 'til tomorrow, nothing more.

Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!


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