Umm... I'm not dead so that couldn't be my excuse.
I can't believe I missed two updates.I don't really have an excuse. I guess I just forgot, but no... I think that I remembered and said, "Aww... fuck it."
Not much has happened. Today I fixed my friend's family computer. The hard-drive was congested with virii and spyware so I backed up their sutff and reformatted the hard-drive. That left everything as a blank state with me free to reinstall the operating system and tell them how to avoid virii and spyware for the future. I got paid $40 for it.
Alrighty now! 3 gimmciks must be performed today.
Illusion of Gaia is an excellent game in the vein of Legend of Zelda.
It offers a complelling storyline that is very different than any kind of story that I've ever seen in an RPG. Rather than being purely plot focussed a la the Legend of Zelda or character-focussed like the Final Fantasy games. Its rather an amalgam of the two that feels like some kind of mythical legend with enough character interaction to keep it from feeling like a shitty action game plot. It is really gripping.
But plot can't make a game work if the gameplay isn't there. The gameplay is a lot like Zelda. Actually, its almost exactly like Zelda. Its basically just Zelda with a better plot. Its an excellent game I'd say.
I love it. Its one of the most excellent SNES games to be ever made.
The obsession is
begat by tragedy.
The can emanates fizz.
How one thing...
Not a ring...
Changes all.
God, some poems I right sure can suck mightliy.
The Revolution will not be blogged.
I deem it to be spiffy.
And thats all until tomorrow.
cram packed with excitement. only minor suckage w/ the poem. acctually it would be sophmoric for someone twice your age, not a Damn 16 year old. holy crap. You are th man.
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