Fuck, I missed twice now....
At least I'm fortunate enough that my missed updates can be counted on one hand.I prepared this gimmick in advance for yesterday, and I forgot to update, so here it is.

Its about 50kb of pure JPEGged goodness, or if you prefer, pure JPEGed crap. Also, I'd like to inform my readers that really nothing happened yesterday. You missed nothing but this picture and a message saying that there was nothing to read about.
However, I did find some cool thingers that some of my readers might find useful.
Ray Game Designer I and II are free 3D game production suites. Very simple games are possible. But anyway, its a creator of 3D games that will run on Pentium IIs and higher. Unfortunately its Windows only, it but its still a nice deal.
Ray Game Designer I will allow you to make games such as Doom or Wolfenstein 3D. Or possibly System Shock I. I'm not totally sure. I haven't actually used it yet.
Ray Game Designer II will allow for more complex, fully 3D games with low polygon counts and low resolution textures.
Today, at school, nothing really happened. Honestly, it was quite uneventful.
Now I must gush about something.
I just love Exacto knives. They're such precise methods of cutting things. They have many applications such as, cutting out custom stencils and cutting out cool shapes. They can do anything scissors can but more exactly. I have no doubt they are also effective for stabbing. They're wonderful inventions and they, in my opinion, make scissors obsolete. The only better way to cut and paste is a Photoshop alpha channel, but most people don't have Photoshop and you can't make it a physical item without printing it and cutting it again. Exacto knives save me that hastle and are in conclusion excellent tools.
QUICKIE EDIT: I love the way that the image goes behind the text a little bit. It looks really cool.
Also, my readers, I'd appreciate a quick comment from each of you so I can get some sort of scope as to how many readers I have. I know my friend, Ben reads this, but aside from that, I may have no readers for all I know. I appreciate the acknowlegement of a comment, so please, take that couple of seconds and say "Hi!" with a comment.
Its just a nice thing after all the effort I put into the blog.
EDIT #2: I added some posts from my old blog. I intend to add more later. When I feel like it.
Happy Birthday (day 2): to Blogging Baby's Melissa Summers
You thought one birthday girl per week was enough? Guess again. Melissa Summers was born only a few short hours after me, and what would we do without her? Melissa's always good for a passionate discussion ...
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Why would I mind if you bookmarked it? That's perfectly fine.
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