
Friday, September 16, 2005

Despite myself...

I'm gonna start with my game review.

The game in question tonight is barely a game at all.

Star Trek: Starship Creator

It was probably the worst game purchase I ever made. At the time I was very much into Star Trek: Voyager, and the idea of getting to do some cool things with that crew seemed like it might be fun. The game gives you exactly 3 things you can do. And unfortunately, they're all really, really boring.

The first aspect of the game is designing a ship. You have a budget and you can buy parts. Just as long as you get one of each part it doesn't matter. You don't get to see a finished product though. All you ever get to see is a bunch of different pictures for the individual parts. The pictures used aren't very interesting either. They just look like bland 3D renders with almost no texture.

The second part is the hiring of a crew. And while its fun to put Spock and Worf on the same ship, there is no depth to it. The more expensive crewmen are better and there is exactly one picture per guy. Its just a matter of figuring out how well you can balance your budget. But then, there is little effect on anything.

Then then the third element of the game is the worst trip to the duldrums. You can test your ship. That may sound fun, but here's the problem. It is completely non-interactive and nothing interesting ever happens. The closest to interesting thing that happens is coming across an asteroid field. Then a little video clip of the ship blowing them up. [sarcasm]WOOHOO! That is so exciting.[/sarcasm] Also your ship moves really slow, so you can spend days watching your ship do nothing.

If you like being bored out of your mind, then this game is all you'll ever need. HOwever, if you are anything remotely resembling sane, then you will hate this game because it sucks.


I love tearing into old games.

Today, I got to go to Wal-Mart. It has been a long time since I've been to Wal-Mart, yet I felt right at home there. I bought my sister her birthday present and gave it to her early. Her birthday is the 29th. I got her Newlyweds Season 2&3 DVD Box set. I'm surprised she hasn't started watching it yet.

Oh, and also Stevie punched me today, I told her I'd put that on the blog and I don't particularly like lying.

And at school, nothing of particular merit happened. It was actually ok, just uneventful. Not particularly blog-worthy.

Until tomorrow, that is all you are getting from me.

Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!


At September 16, 2005 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the second time ive been to your blog. How old is that game. I don't remember it. Kinda harsh if it truly is an old game. Really good job tearing it a new hiney hole.
I like your blog.
You are cool.

At September 16, 2005 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not 7:38. its 10:35

At September 16, 2005 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget. I am running everything. GW is just my puppet. HA HA HA HA HA HA.

At September 17, 2005 1:04 AM, Blogger Cy "Brazanthr" Parker said...

Don't worry about the game itself. It wasn't so much that it was old as that it was horribly designed and probably made in the vast span of 2 weeks so that they could make a quick buck off of Start Trek geeks.

I was really digging for the most horrible game I'd ever played.


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