Not feeling bloggy
Start with Gimmick, then provide filler in the form of lyrics to said song.
Well I could be mistaken.
Could have been misled.
With all these drugs you've taken,
disco should be dead.
Saturday morning up in New York City
And everybody's hanging out.
Used to be, you had to be a couple of lawyers.
One foot in the gutter and the other underground.
Well I could be mistaken.
Could have been misled.
A victim of persuasion.
Infection in the air.
Mainline fellas read all the best sellers.
And their wives are all fucking the milkman.
And little Mary Jane may be going insane,
so pump her full of medicine and maybe
She'll forget her name.
We're all junkies and TV babies.
Can't you see?
And come election day,
You'll all be free
To tear the stuffing out of
That song was by Stickshift Rocketship. Please check 'em out. I have a liink to them in my sidebar.
Today was actually interesting. In Public Speaking, we did an activity they called "hot seat." Basically one person sits in a chair and then for three minutes people randomly shoot questions at the one person. It was a lot of fun. Everyone on the seat got accused of hating a particular group, for instance Cat was accused by me of hating Austrians and I was accused by several people of hating Americans. It was all in fun jest though and was an experience I'd have fun repeating.
Then Cross Country practice was cancelled and I wasn't told until the last minute. THis matters because I'm the manager and am normally expected to go to practice. Its not very good that I only found out with five minutes left of the school day becasue I needed to call my Mom and let her know she needed to come earlier. However, even if she was at home, it'd still be 20 minutes before she could get to the school, and thats nearly a half-hour later in leaving school. As it was, I waited for an hour and a half. I chatted with Audrey and Cat. Audrey was also stranded by the Cross Country thing. During the chatting, I also burned some CDs off my iBook.
BUt I feel I need to say something in the event of Mr. Kenny reading this blog. For those who aren't Mr. Kenny, I'll let oyu know that he is the Cross Country coach. Mr. Kenny, when you came in and told Ben that there was no practice, you later said, that you didn't see me. However, I believe that isn't likely given the arrangement of the seating.

Oh, yes, I went there. And there is some alternate text there too. Hold your mouse over the image for a sec. The alternate text should pop up soon.
Oh and also, I made some cookies that attempted to imitate "Nilla Wafers" but are unfortunately no where near as pure awesome.
(For those who cannot view the alternate text, it reads, "MR. KENNY, ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND?")
holy crap you kids today are inconsiderate. "eww, i lost a whole hour and a half. what a difficult life i have." The day in question, yea so what, i wasnt thinking about you, I ran over my cat backing out of my driveway, found out my dog was impregnated by my milk man, and my lover, Steve left me for another man. Why are you so mean. A tear just hit my keyboard...
...j/k I am not mr. kenny. fun blog dude, I'll be checking back from time to time.
It was obvious you aren't Mr. Kenny. I'm not really that pissed, I just thought it'd be funny material for a blog.
you are right, funny material for a blog. I wasent really sticking up for mr kenny. I just thought it would be funny material for a comment.
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