Queen kicks ass.
(Imported From Old Livejournal Blog)On Friday, I took an AP test. The subject was U.S. history. I was nervous as Hell on Thursday night. Y'know how sometimes you get butterflies in your stomach when nervous? Well these were caught in a tornado, and they were those big ole Texas butterflies...
The test itself was a bit less painful. It was tough, but I feel confident in my abilities and I think that I passed. So I'm happy about that.
In other news, I got a job. I start working on Tuesday at a Greek restaurant which is like right next door to my house. I'm gonna be a waiter/dishwasher and I expect the tips to just roll right in. Or so I hope anyway.
Also, I've been listening to a bunch of Queen lately. Queen kicks ass. Did you know there is no www.queenkicksass.com ? There seriously needs to be one. maybe I'll make it.