Depressed Day
Normally, I try to be at least sort of cheerful but there are days when that is difficult.
The morning went alright but then when I got to English class, the day's quality signifcantly decreased.
Apparently, the final draft for narratives was due today as opposed to tomorrow as I thought it was. Why would I be confused? The movable dry erase board on which homework is written had been moved. In its place was the 9th grade's homework board. The 9th grade has a final draft due tomorrow and I thought that was our board. I also thought we had some homework in the grammar book I was gonna have to fake having done.
Then in Math class, Mr. Gresser showed everybody their grades. Things aren't looking good there. I've got about a 70-some percent and I can blame some on that quiz I didn't get finished and got a 40% on but I feel like I should be doing better.
I'm not doing so hot Latin either. Mr. McMahon showed me my grades and its also a 70-some percent. Its not a good feeling when you've gone all your life so far thinking you were smart and then being provn wrong by some horrible grades.
It really sucks.
Then Cross Country practice was especially boring. There was seriously nothing to do at all. I just sat there while the guys ran a really long course. Then my Dad picked me up and we went to go pick my sister up from Cheerleading practice. We waited like an hour before she finished the practice.
I was so happy to get back home where I could watch TV which is what I've been doing up to this point. Now, I shall return to TV.
Oh, I almost forgot about the ranting I must do now.
I hate people who see nothing wrong with the story from another guy's blog I posted yesterday. I'm speaking specifically of this guy Kevin Riedel. I think we both pretend to be each others friends just because most of our other friends are shared among us.
He just can't find anything wrong with brainwashing little kids and that pisses me off majorly. That is my rant.
That is fairly dispointing in its rantiness. Sorry, more depression today than anger. i hope my next rant is better.
Eh... 'til tomorrow, nothing more.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
My Cat's eye nearly exploded.
So, my cat had a horrible eye infection. The eye nearly burst with infected pus and assorted bad things. My Mom took it to the vet today and I'm glad that she did because otherwise, my cat would be missing one eye very soon. And a cat with only one eye is... just creepy.
I read in another blog today something I found utterly fascinating. So fascinating in fact that I feel simply compelled to repost it here. It has to do with a shirt he saw on some kid in the mall.
"My Mommy Chose Life"
Holy... fuck... If there really were such a place as hell, that kid lives in it. That shirt looked like it was drawn on with some magic markets and puffy paint, so I really hope that it was self made and not something that you can actually buy in a store... with money. The idea that you could pay to turn your loved ones into walking billboards for your ideologies that suggest you chose to keep them like you chose to keep a pair of ugly socks is so sick that if I had faith, it'd be shattered in a heartbeat. What kind of God would allow such vulgarity in the world? Someone should take that kid away from his parents before the pyschological abuse leads to abortion doctors being sniped from book depositories.
You think that kid knew one damn thing about what his shirt read? If he can read at all, he's still sounding out words like "fat cat" and words like "trimester" and "fetus" won't be entering his vocabulary for another ten years (if he's lucky). To put your kid on display like that... to use him to guilt trip strangers... that's just fucking sociopathic. Imagine what those parents would do if they ever found him buying condoms. Obviously, the kid's well being is not more important to them than making some sort of idiotic statement in public. These are the kinds of parents that would murder the kid in his sleep and say that God told them to do it because he was gay.
I sit in judgement of many things. That's okay because those many things judge me right back, so I guess you could say it's mutual. But this is just... it's child abuse, this stuff. I'm a recent father. I've got to say that this has been the longest and hardest three months of my life, but by far the most rewarding. Anybody who can abuse their children in this way don't deserve to be called parents. I don't often approach a subject from the moral viewpoint, but this gets to me. It's just not right, and anybody who pulls this kind of crap scares me. And any religion which supports or otherwise endorses such grotesque behavior is no religion which ANYBODY should be a part of EVER. If their pastors don't bitch slap them, then there truly is no God.
As some of you know, I'm a nihilist, and I agree with the writer, and also believe that women should have the write to abort all the babies they damned well please. Even if you don't agree with me though, don't you think its wrong to trick kids into a worship? To make them a billboard as this guy said.
It bothered me when I whent to my Dad's baptism that the majority of the other baptisees were all younger than 8. There were three adults and a bunch of kids younger than eight. Kids younger than eight are almost always incapbale of logical reasoning of their own. Sometimes kids don't even gain that until the age of 12 or even older. So it bothers me that they are committing to something they can't possibly understand. I'm sorry to get on a soapbox here, but it just kinda pisses me off.
And BTW: That's from which was once the home of my favorite webcomic but now just houses the author's blog. He's very opinionated and is a master of ranting. If thats the type of thing you like to read regularly, I urge you to check out his blog.
I bet I just lost some readers and then gained some. Thats what these things tend to do... Sorry if I've pissed you off.
I actually did well on a latin quiz today. Go me!
For a mini-movie review, I'm going to review the movie National Treasure, but I didn't see all of it. I only saw about an hour in.
It was enjoyable in the stupidest sense possible. The dialogue is corny, and at one point, it makes fun of itself when one character says to another, "That's not how people talk." The characters are like those you'd find in a TV-show that employs hundreds of writers. In order to keep them consistent, they have only a few traits that are permanent. Only, there were probably 2 or 3 writers at most and the characters are inexcusably 2D.
Every other moment will kill your willing suspension of disbelief if you aren't careful so that makes the movie rewarding. Achieving a willing suspension of disbelief is almost a zen state and if you have a pen and paper on hand, your creativity flows and cool drawings pour out.
Why, here is one such drawing that fell out of my brain when I watched this movie:

I imagine movies like National Treasure are a lot like drugs. I haven't actually done any drugs, but apparently, they set your mind free and make you happy when done in moderation. This movie did that for me, and you can see the results. My drawing skills got boosted by that movie.
I think I need to watch more stupid movies now.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!

This is my drawing of mine and a bunch of my friends' mad eup characters.

This is a good drawing of Darkshadow and a crappy one of some nameless character I drew.

This is a crappy drawing of Darkshadow. Though it really looks alright. THe design is hard to mess up. Thus concludes my gushing.

Actually, at the end of this I conclude my gushing. This is another character I created years ago (6th grade) and somehow still like. The design is just simple and charismatic. He is timeless and trancends poor drawing skills. And also, just a notice, the 6th grade is kind of a low point for my drawings when I look back at the folder. I can't help but think, "God, what the Hell was I thinking?"
That's not so much of a gush really, but as though you really wanted to hear me gush about something. Gushing is really kinda boring. And as a gimmick, I intend to replace it with something else.
Hmm... short but sweet, not horrible. I'm satisfied with this post. It has well-compressed images.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Oh, how I apologize.
I'm sorry. I suppose it is largely my fault. I had several oppurtunities throughout the day yesterday in which I could have easily done an update for this blog, but I was waiting until the day was over, you know, in case something happened which was worth writing about, however, nothing of note did happen except for buying Photoshop Elements 2 (which is far superior and slightly cheaper than Elements 3) and some famously innovative while infamously buggy 3D software called Carrara Studio v.1.1 w/A free gift called Amapi v.5 Apparently Amapi is a NURBS based 3D modelling solution. I've always wanted to mess with NURBS.
Anyway, my plans for putting up a bunch of old old drawings yesterday was foiled by the fact that my Mom made me do homework for the last three hours of the day, and I'm glad I did my homework. My grades have suffered enough. I'll post the images for yesterday up tonight alongside (at the bottom of) the primary post, I'd do it now, but you see time is limitted and I must be going soon.
I'll return to write sometime when school is done.
Ooh! And I remembered something that did happen yesterday. I'll write about that too.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
2 Gimmicks today! Aren't you all lucky?
I'll do gimmicks first, then talk about the Corpse Bride, then my recent purchase relating to the development of my game. I'll start with 2 minute poem, then song link.
2 Minute Poetry? GO!
Silly things...
They'll just ruin things.
Piss people off.
Online, a relationship
can be ended
with 2 clicks.
"Well, you suck."
People are so touchy.
Hehe, that's based on a true story. I did something my friend didn't approve of and he blocked me. Haven't talked to him since. Definitely sucks.
Now, here is your song!
Nick DeMayo - Look Away
Its from a TV show, sung at the death of the main characters. The show is Venture Brothers from the Adult Swim lineup on Cartoon Network. Its ne of the best shows ever to be produced in my opinion. And this song is awesome as well.So I saw the Corpse Bride today. It was just wonderful. The visuals were spectacular, the emotions carried throught the story effectively, and it was a wonderful movie in almost all aspects. It had some flaws though. These flaws are mostly minor, but they bother me to no end because this is as though someone painted the greates painting ever and in one little section, they got a ton of dirt on the paint while it was still wet. Its just a small patch of dirt, but because the rest is so great in comparison, you can't look away from the dirt because its just such a shame that its dragging down this otherwise great painting.
Here is an IM chat I had discussing the movie and other things:
[20:22] Ayavaron: Corpse Bride has excellent animation.
[20:22] Ayavaron: However, the film had flaws.
[20:22] re9112: I agree
[20:22] re9112: I just found it too depressing for one thing
[20:22] Ayavaron: And by "had flaws," I mean that it just screwed up a bunch of shit.
[20:23] Ayavaron: LIttle things mind you, but lots of screwups.
[20:23] Ayavaron: I liked its depressing-ness personally, but I shall list the more bothersome flaws.
[20:23] re9112: Ok. Name some
[20:24] Ayavaron: During the skeleton song explaining Emily's past, the song takes this huge break in the middle and its just a lyricless jam fest.
[20:24] Ayavaron: It just breaks the pacing for that part of the movie.
[20:24] Ayavaron: And also, it confuses people, because it puts a chunk in the middle of the story, which causes some forgetting between the parts, so I'm not 100% sure what happened.
[20:25] re9112: well, she grew up with a rich family
[20:25] Ayavaron: If Emily knew that was Victor's dog, how come she didn't know all that other shit that in the course of the movie, she didn't know?
[20:25] re9112: then he kills her and runs off
[20:25] Ayavaron: Does he kill her or leave her for dead?
[20:26] re9112: killed her and left her
[20:26] Ayavaron: k
[20:26] re9112: or injured her
[20:26] re9112: something like that
[20:26] re9112: brb
[20:26] Ayavaron: That'd make more sense.
[20:26] Ayavaron: Also, if Emily's spirit was waiting in the forest all these years, then how did she know everyone in the world of the dead?
[20:26] *** Auto-response from re9112: I am away from my computer right now.
[20:26] Ayavaron: Why was it a big deal she wanted to get upstairs then?
[20:27] Ayavaron: If it was such a big deal, then why was it so easy when they were all going up for the wedding.
[20:27] Ayavaron: And what the fuck was the problem with with the people sitting behind us?
[20:27] Ayavaron: They had this loud annoying 3 year old kid.
[20:28] Ayavaron: And they made NO EFFORT to make him be quiet.
[20:29] Ayavaron: He screamed at one point, and they were like, "Oh? Were you scared? Don't worry its just a movie."
[20:29] Ayavaron: And there was this other part where he started panting like a dog, and the parents were just like, "Aww... you're not a woofer." The kid barked, and they were all "So precious!"
[20:29] Ayavaron: FUCKING PISSED ME OFF.
[20:41] Ayavaron: Little kids shouldn't be allowed in movie theatres.
[20:42] re9112: I agree
[20:43] Ayavaron: During my viewing of the movie Meangirls, there was a 4-year old girl crying.
[20:43] Ayavaron: Her Mom slapped her and I silently applauded.
[20:43] Ayavaron: Because it shut her up.
[20:43] Ayavaron: Also: I think I just hate little kids.
And please don't bother my friend that I was talking to. He's a nice guy, but I'm sure he doesn't want to be bothered by a bunch of people reading my blog. Feel free to bother me though. I'm just kinda asking for it really.
I decided to buy Torque 2D today. This will allow me to create my game from my game design, and then hopefully, I will be able to publish the game and pay for college.
Plus, having made an dpublished a game will look awesome on my resume so thats pretty cool.
Tomorrow, I shall post a bunch of drawings I did in the fifth grade. Until tomorrow, my faithful readers, I bid you adieu!
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!