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I'd like to remind everyone, I am not dead. I remembered I have a livejournal, and felt compelled to update it.Now, to make this update worthwhile, here are my standard meanderings and a link or two:
I found out that the manga accompanying an old favorite video game was translated by a fan and put online for free so anyone could read it. I immediately thought "F' YEA!" I haven't finished reading it yet, but here is the link.
I forgot to mention this in my last update, but I finally accomplished something I've been meaning to do for a long time. I figured out how to draw a female character so that she doens't look like a guy. The trick is in the jaw. In general, females have pointier, smaller jaws and a little bit more curve in the cheek. I feel proud at having broadened my artistic horizons to such a great extent.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna see a movie. I don't know what I'll see yet, but PROBABLY, it'll be Batman Begins. If I can, however, I'd like to see the movie, How'ls Moving Castle but I don't really know for sure. I may go and see some computer-animated crap from Dreamworks. (You know damned well what movie I'm talking about.)
My Risk party didn't happen like I envisioned it. We got Risk: Godstorm in time, and we played that. Unfortunately, one person was so late that the other two friends had to go at almost the exact same time he arrived. Then he had to leave early because of a Basement leak.
Though, I'd like to get more time with the game, I have to say I loved what I played. The rules were just complicated enough to give me an edge against the others, and the pieces were high quality.
The best part however, was how quickly powers can shift, and how high the emotions ran. On one turn, I had almost the entire world. The very next turn, I was completely annihalated. Never more, have I desired to kill my friends over a game. Fortunately for my friends, I am a total wimp, and punching as hard as I could, it really didn't hurt them.
Maybe I should start working out. But on the same note, maybe I should kill everything I love and become everything I hate. As though either would actually happen.
And to both of my readers, I DO (,as a matter of fact,) like getting comments. Post 'em people.