Eh... sorry for lack of updatation.
Well I have a perfectly logical and reasonable edxplanation for why I did not update yesterday. That reason is quite simple. I forgot.
Yesterday, in Public Speaking, I did my reading from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and I apparently spoke entirely too fast. And now in re-reading the book, I find I'm using too damned many nuances in the style of Douglas Adams. But eh... might make me funnier and that would always be good.
However, today, in that very same class, Patrick Dale demonstrated his awesome abilities as a speaker with his clipping from "Of Mice and Men." I swear it was an almost perfect rendition of the clipping. He'd have a little to work on if he wanted to compete with his speetch but it was good, very good.
And in that same class, Kevin proved he could turn even an exciting timeless tale into a boring monotone load of crap. Way to go Pro-lifer! Ans also sorry to Kevin if you're reading this.
Then there was also this bonfire thinger today that also included paying to smash an old van. Smashing a van was a great bunch of fun. I got to take out 3 tail-lights.
But then Pat, he took out all but the last little bit of hinge on one of the doors which just further proved his awesomeness because it was really cool to watch him just thrash that thing.
Oh and I read this terribley spiffy article a few minutes ago and I'd say it was wholly entertaining. and a poem! I need to do a poem.
The flame an orange flutter
The wood turns to ash.
The plastic melts
Then smoke fills the eyes.
Irritating eyes.
Uncontrollably cries.
The plastic was yours
Jackass steals the fun
But that really wasn't the issue.
Until next day that I do not forget to update this, you are to be satisfied I would hope.
Good night my reader(s)!
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Yes, I took PSATs today. And the reason I didn't update yesterday was because my Mom was making me study for them so... yea. I think I did alright with the PSATs so no worries there. Though I fail to find their importance because PSATs are just practice right? Whatever you do on them it doesn't matter I'd think, but I understand the importance of practicing, just not studying hard for the practice.
But whatever, other things happened today. My school introduced at the beginning of the year a positive reinforcement discipline system to move alongside demerits where people caught doing good deeds are rewarded with owls. At the end of a month, whatever grade earns the most owls gets a free mystery prize. Well, our class won, and we won Chinese food lunch. It was DELISCIOUS! But it also taught me something about my classmates. None of them could tell the difference between the following: Sesame Chicken, General Tsao's Chicken, and Orange Chicken.
Also, there were three different groups divided in the way that they pronounced "Tsao." Some say it is "chow" and others say "so" and personally, I say "tsow" With no consonant sound between the "t" and the "s."
Oh and angry ranty gimmick. Rants must be ranted.
I don't like how people are unwilling to try new things when they have nothing to lose for it.
In art class today, someone had the brilliance of bringing an iPod with an iTrip to play his music over a boombox that happened to be in the room. He went through the list of albums on iPod and at one point said "Demon Days." (Gorillaz new album) I then reflexively went, "I LOVE DEMON DAYS!" And then he said he only had one song on the album. this disapointed me so I started saying how they had all those other good songs and he mentioned their previous big hit, the song, "Clint Eastwood." He said he needed to buy that song from the iTunes music store.
I offered to burn both of the Gorillaz albums for him and he said no, "I only want that one song. I'll buy it."
The problem here is really in my opinion what the iTunes music store and radio music culture do to the way people buy and listen to music. The radio gets people to like specific songs and eventually through their being overplayed, gets people to hate those songs. However, thanks to P2P downloading and iTunes music store, there is no longer a reason to buy a whole album to get that one song. And in a lot of cases, this is beneficial because many one-hit-wonders release crappy albums.
But then so many other times, an album is quite strong and well-rounded with quality tracks justifying its purchase and in my experience, this has been the case with radio bands. But the problem here was that he was denying himself to listen to a whole album at no cost to him. He just wanted those two songs and didn't want the chance to discover something he loved like I had.
I remember fondly when I bought the Eiffel 65 CD just for the song Blue (Da Ba Dee) and then found out all but two songs on the album were just as good as Blue (Da Ba Dee) and that was special. But I don't think that kind of thing is happening to people anymore.
It might just be that I'm different. I like to go to yard sales and find CDs that are like $2 and buy a couple random ones I've never heard of hoping that one of the CDs I buy is good. (Sometimes I have incredible luck too, like when I got an album by Scott McCurry for only $1. Its awesome.) And I guess most people don't do that kind of thing.
But then I'm just unique and thats cool to me.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Another grand day of nothing.
Yes, another day of nothing only without TV this time. I burned some CDs and I did some homework and I read a bunch of articles on animation. And most recently, I babbled to a person who had no idea what I was talking about via IM. The subject was the advantages of vertex interpolation versus Inverse Kinematics for use in Cel-shaded 3D animation.
What the Hell brought that on? Gorillaz. I obtained their new album and loved it. I shall gush it soon, but the music videos were the subject of conversation. They feature this really cool animation and I just cannot tell if they're done using traditional hand-drawn frames or with 3D cel-shading. Eventually I decided that it was 3D animation done with vertex interpolation to give it a more hand-drawn look while constantly keeping the characters on model.
But then, I'm still not totally sure.
Now for gushing!
The Gorillaz new album Demon Days is nothing short of pure awesome in the form of audio. The songs have an interesting range from the weird and artsy (O Green World) to the vaguely metal-punkish (White Light) and the incredibly dancy (DARE) but there are a lot of excellent tracks that balance the weird artsiness with other aspects of good music. (Feel Good Inc. and Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head)
The problem with the album is that its difficult to choose a favorite song off of it. About half of the album is absolutely breathaking and incredible. Though if I were to pick, I'd have to say "Fire Coming OUt of a Monkey's Head" because it matches quality music with an interesting story told in the lyrics. It is a track to behold because all elements come together in a flaming bash of awesome.
And their website is pretty spiffy too. I recomend checking it out. Its like an old-fashioned point and click adventure game but there are also other games hidden in there among all the spooky things. Yes, yes, good times to be had at www.gorillaz.comAnd I shall sigh because their live show is sold out despite the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to go anyway. At least I have the music videos and actual music. Those are pretty awesome.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
16 glorious bits.
Seriously, today I did nothing except sit around and watch TV. Oh yea and I played chess.
Picture time! 16bit space paintings!

One of them uses one method of compression and the other uses another. I find they both have their charms but you are free to disagree and tell me how much they suck in my comments. And I promise that I will respond to such comments about how much you think my artwork isn't good.
Oh, and also, for some reason I want to build a barn. I don't think it'll happen but for some reason I want to. I think I could do it provided I had the lumber, but then... what the Hell would I do with a barn and where would I put it?
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Don't think much'll happen tomorrow either. I get the day off of school! Yay! I'm gonna play video games and watch movies!
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Umm... I'm not dead so that couldn't be my excuse.
I can't believe I missed two updates.
I don't really have an excuse. I guess I just forgot, but no... I think that I remembered and said, "Aww... fuck it."
Not much has happened. Today I fixed my friend's family computer. The hard-drive was congested with virii and spyware so I backed up their sutff and reformatted the hard-drive. That left everything as a blank state with me free to reinstall the operating system and tell them how to avoid virii and spyware for the future. I got paid $40 for it.
Alrighty now! 3 gimmciks must be performed today.
Illusion of Gaia is an excellent game in the vein of Legend of Zelda.
It offers a complelling storyline that is very different than any kind of story that I've ever seen in an RPG. Rather than being purely plot focussed a la the Legend of Zelda or character-focussed like the Final Fantasy games. Its rather an amalgam of the two that feels like some kind of mythical legend with enough character interaction to keep it from feeling like a shitty action game plot. It is really gripping.
But plot can't make a game work if the gameplay isn't there. The gameplay is a lot like Zelda. Actually, its almost exactly like Zelda. Its basically just Zelda with a better plot. Its an excellent game I'd say.
I love it. Its one of the most excellent SNES games to be ever made.
The obsession is
begat by tragedy.
The can emanates fizz.
How one thing...
Not a ring...
Changes all.
God, some poems I right sure can suck mightliy.
The Revolution will not be blogged.
I deem it to be spiffy. And thats all until tomorrow.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!