Damn! This MP3 rocks
Mega Pissed Off.
Its just awesome. You're in for a treat today people. ^^Today was... uneventful. I played some Starcraft earlier and tha twas fun, but thats about all I did that is worthy of note.
Sorry about this post's shortness. I just don't have much to say.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Dual-Monitor Computing
I got an extra monitor that the school was going to give away. Now I have the two monitors set up side by side for dual-monitor computing. I wonder how it'll work for games. Its pretty cool as it is.
Now, since it is Thursday, I shall review an old game.
Today, I've selected the game Command & Conquer Renegade for review today.
The game is a spinoff of the Command & Conquer series that takes the characters and troops you once commanded, and lets you kill them mano a mano in a pretty fucking awesome FPS. If you've ever played Command & Conquer, you'll be impressed with Renegade. Getting to play as some guy I don't remember the name of and killing the infantry units personally, and stealing vehicles just adds a great new level of fun to the game.
The graphics hold up okay today, and the gameplay is just well... fun. I strongly recomend this one. I prefer it to SiN (which I may review someday) or Halo anyday. I just wish I still had my CD-key.
YOu can get the game pretty cheap off Amazon.
You can pay $10 for it alone:
Weak DealOr you can pay $20 and get two other games with their expansion packs. This is a much better deal:
Good DealAnd the other games in the series are just as awesome as this one if not more so.
In other positive news today, Squidi.net returned to posting content. I look forward to reading this new content. My favorite forums, MMAU just went back up in a slightly different, but just as excellent form.
I also put osme adverts on my site. Clicky clicky please! I get paid per click! I'm a sellout.
...sellouts are so cool...
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Today, I'm writing this in a text file throughout the day as they happen. I don't intend to make this regular but I am doing it today.
9:19 a.m.
I am very glad. There was good news regarding the test that made a car-wreck of my nerves. The teacher said that she will drop one test per grading period per student. So that one will not count. I just have to make sure I don't screw up any more.
I'm gonna start taking notes now.
10:13 a.m.
The first part of english was farily uneventful. At least it wasn't difficult. The assignment was done easily and quickly.
So at least it wasn't painful. Later I'm gonna be working on a second rough draft for my narrative, which I'll post up here eventually.
10:27 a.m.
WTF? We have a Great 100s test tomorrow? Shouldn't they perhaps, tell us that before hand? At least it has its own grade on the report card and effectively does not matter because it affeccts no other class.
5:18 p.m.
I'm at home now, but at school, apparently I did something to piss off a substitute teacher in seventh period. I don't exactly understand what I did, but I can still do the "punishment" of having to write an apology letter to Ms. Zablocki.
In other news, I got a free monitor. It was going to be thrown away, but I claimed it. It is mine now. Its pretty nice, flat CRT with USB ports built in. I just hope that it has good picture quality and all of that jazz. If not, all I've lost is the extra time it took me to carry it.
Also, I'd like to say now to anyone from my school who has been reading this blog, I have a Palm Pilot for sale. Prices are negotiable. Its in good condition too. Talk to me.
Ooh, today is a day in which I am supposed to rant angrily.
The radio frequently fucks over good songs by playing them ten million times per week. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
is a good song, but after you've heard it eight billion times, you absolutely despise it. Whereas you might have been enjoying a song previously, possibly even singing along, you are now probably cringing when the song comes on, because it is usually painful to to hear it at that point.
Its sad, because now Wake me Up When September Ends is poised to take that same fate. And apparently, on that same album the song Holiday was fucked in the same way.
Its a damn shame because these are all very excellent songs, and
my heart goes out to all those who are now hating those songs or are going to hate them. I'm truly sorry for you and thats why I have made a conscious effort to stop listening to radio.
If you go to my school, please talk to me about that Palm Pilot.
And for those wondering about this post's title, it means "rats" in Japanese.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
I do hope that things are spelled correctly.
Grocery Shopping yesterday was fun, but it took a long time. Notable among the wares we purchased were sixty cans of diet soda. All of them deliscious.
Today, I completely fucked up a Science test. I didn't know a lot of the stuff, so I left almost half of the test blank... I'm hoping I can get some extra credit or something to make up for it. I think the problem is that Science calss is in first period. I'm still half-asleep at that point in the day. I really can't memorize what a disaccharide is when I woke up less than an hour and a half ago. I'm also going to ask about a schedule change.
Then, uh... I think something else happened to get me distressed and irritated, but I don't really remember what it was. I was too stressed and irritated.
Then Public Speaking was once again, the day's pinnacle and I had a lovely conversation with Emma, one of my classmates. Nothing like baring your soul to remove the weight of a failed test from your guilty conscience.
Later today, I went to a cross-country meet. It was really really really boring. Basically, I got to wait around for an two hours while we were there, and wait in a car for two hours on the drive there and back. THat's four hours of waiting around for other people to do stuff. But at least I got out of most of Latin class.
Then I got home and ate some Quesadillas. One of them became badly burned. Despite this, it was deliscious.
Deary me, I forgot about gimmicks.
Also, I looked at the counter again today, and noticed a fairly large jump. My words of consistently mixed wisdom and idiocy are spreading.
On Monday, I was going to gush about the character I drew in Sunday's post. He's one of my favorite characters that I created. He's the despotic ruler of a deprived nation of idiots who blindly follow him. He has a massive ego and is quite likely to kill those who, even in jest, make comments about him that he doesn't agree with. Though the aspect of his ego that makes him funny to me is that he always has to appear to be the greatest thing ever. He'll wear fancy capes and stuff to look more regal, and he'll destroy any technology newer than him, simply because it might make him look stupid in comparison. His name is Nero Supreme and at one point I wanted to write a screenplay about him, but I realized I was actually too lazy.
And my gimmick for today is a short review of the movie The Aviator.
The movie (which is based on a true story) centers on this guy named Howard Hughes. He is insanely ambitious and he likes planes. He also likes to waste money. Upon inheriting his dead parents' fortune in the late 1920s, he makes a four-million dollar movie which loses money. Then he builds a really fast plane, and then some more planes that crash. Eventually, his eccentricity overtakes him, and somehow (according to the internet) he still manages to become the richest man in the world, though the movie ends before that.
What makes the movie compelling is mostly the character of Howard Hughes. It changes alot over the film's progression and its always interesting. Its a real spectacle to see this cocky young man turn into a freak whose own mind cripples him. The only thing I can complain about with this film is its ending, or rather a lack thereof. Its as though the filmmakers just decided, "Oh I'm sorry. We're out of money. Thats all the movie you're getting." and the film ended. I'd of gladly watched another forty minutes of that film.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Not a missed update.

And a gimmick for yesterday. Well, actually its for Friday, but I did yesterday's gimmick on Friday because I got confused.
And today, I bought some toasters which I thouroughly shined.
Expanding and contracting.
Falling in after it rises.
Breathing life out of and into air.
It is nothing but spectacular.
Body movements inexacting
And systems circulating.
Statistical anomaly.
We've won a gamble.
Thats all for to-day. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow. (Hopefully)
And I'd like to apologize to anyone who thought I was acting like a douche yesterday with the "Fucking Prick" and all of that shit. Yea... That was pretty stupid. It seemed like it would be funny and if anyone got a laugh out of it, then great, but umm... it was pretty stupid. Don't intend to do it again.
And one last thing before I post this, I'd like to thank you all for visitting my site. I have over ten readers if I am guaging from my hitcounter correctly. Hurray, for my bloated ego has provided entertainment for such a vast quantity of people. No, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually impressed with my ability to gain ten readers. Please make it a regular thing to read my blog. I greatly appreciate it.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!