Not feeling bloggy
Start with Gimmick, then provide filler in the form of lyrics to said song.
Well I could be mistaken.
Could have been misled.
With all these drugs you've taken,
disco should be dead.
Saturday morning up in New York City
And everybody's hanging out.
Used to be, you had to be a couple of lawyers.
One foot in the gutter and the other underground.
Well I could be mistaken.
Could have been misled.
A victim of persuasion.
Infection in the air.
Mainline fellas read all the best sellers.
And their wives are all fucking the milkman.
And little Mary Jane may be going insane,
so pump her full of medicine and maybe
She'll forget her name.
We're all junkies and TV babies.
Can't you see?
And come election day,
You'll all be free
To tear the stuffing out of
That song was by Stickshift Rocketship. Please check 'em out. I have a liink to them in my sidebar.Today was actually interesting. In Public Speaking, we did an activity they called "hot seat." Basically one person sits in a chair and then for three minutes people randomly shoot questions at the one person. It was a lot of fun. Everyone on the seat got accused of hating a particular group, for instance Cat was accused by me of hating Austrians and I was accused by several people of hating Americans. It was all in fun jest though and was an experience I'd have fun repeating.
Then Cross Country practice was cancelled and I wasn't told until the last minute. THis matters because I'm the manager and am normally expected to go to practice. Its not very good that I only found out with five minutes left of the school day becasue I needed to call my Mom and let her know she needed to come earlier. However, even if she was at home, it'd still be 20 minutes before she could get to the school, and thats nearly a half-hour later in leaving school. As it was, I waited for an hour and a half. I chatted with Audrey and Cat. Audrey was also stranded by the Cross Country thing. During the chatting, I also burned some CDs off my iBook.
BUt I feel I need to say something in the event of Mr. Kenny reading this blog. For those who aren't Mr. Kenny, I'll let oyu know that he is the Cross Country coach. Mr. Kenny, when you came in and told Ben that there was no practice, you later said, that you didn't see me. However, I believe that isn't likely given the arrangement of the seating.

Oh, yes, I went there. And there is some alternate text there too. Hold your mouse over the image for a sec. The alternate text should pop up soon.
Oh and also, I made some cookies that attempted to imitate "Nilla Wafers" but are unfortunately no where near as pure awesome.
(For those who cannot view the alternate text, it reads, "MR. KENNY, ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND?")
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Despite myself...
I'm gonna start with my game review.
The game in question tonight is barely a game at all.
Star Trek: Starship Creator
It was probably the worst game purchase I ever made. At the time I was very much into Star Trek: Voyager, and the idea of getting to do some cool things with that crew seemed like it might be fun. The game gives you exactly 3 things you can do. And unfortunately, they're all really, really boring.
The first aspect of the game is designing a ship. You have a budget and you can buy parts. Just as long as you get one of each part it doesn't matter. You don't get to see a finished product though. All you ever get to see is a bunch of different pictures for the individual parts. The pictures used aren't very interesting either. They just look like bland 3D renders with almost no texture.
The second part is the hiring of a crew. And while its fun to put Spock and Worf on the same ship, there is no depth to it. The more expensive crewmen are better and there is exactly one picture per guy. Its just a matter of figuring out how well you can balance your budget. But then, there is little effect on anything.
Then then the third element of the game is the worst trip to the duldrums. You can test your ship. That may sound fun, but here's the problem. It is completely non-interactive and nothing interesting ever happens. The closest to interesting thing that happens is coming across an asteroid field. Then a little video clip of the ship blowing them up. [sarcasm]WOOHOO! That is so exciting.[/sarcasm] Also your ship moves really slow, so you can spend days watching your ship do nothing.
If you like being bored out of your mind, then this game is all you'll ever need. HOwever, if you are anything remotely resembling sane, then you will hate this game because it sucks.
I love tearing into old games.
Today, I got to go to Wal-Mart. It has been a long time since I've been to Wal-Mart, yet I felt right at home there. I bought my sister her birthday present and gave it to her early. Her birthday is the 29th. I got her Newlyweds Season 2&3 DVD Box set. I'm surprised she hasn't started watching it yet.
Oh, and also Stevie punched me today, I told her I'd put that on the blog and I don't particularly like lying.
And at school, nothing of particular merit happened. It was actually ok, just uneventful. Not particularly blog-worthy.
Until tomorrow, that is all you are getting from me.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Forced Ranting Follows
Today's gimmick is that I must ranat about something, but I just don't feel a rant in my brain right now. In fact, I'm kind of happy.
You see, The idiot FEMA director, something Brown, resigned. That makes room for someone who is competent. Thats great news.
In other news, George Bush has admitted to fucking up the repair efforts in the Gulf States. HE ADMITTED A MISTAKE. He even claimed responsibilty. He's not a total dick after all. He actually might be a decent human being who I still would never vote for if I had the right to vote.
Alas, I am only 15 and I won't be able to vote in 2008, because I don't turn 18 until December, conveniently over a month after the 2008 election. I'm going to make someone else vote in my stead hopefully.
Ok, ranting. Ranting is angy, I need something to be pissed at...
Ah, got one now!
The iTunes program just released an update, and I thought it was great at first. So many of the little things that annoyed me before were fixed and remedied in such ways that made iTunes 5.0 simply spectacular.
But the stuff taht worked just
had to be changed. In the stupidest descision I've ever seen go into a redesign of an interface, they took a whole bunch of options which were once easily and convenienty located and hid them.
These aren't super-advanced options either. This is the stuff an ordinary person (or at least I) will want to change often. Its settings involving CD Import and Burning. This is stuff people need to get to. You don't always want to burn an MP3 CD and you don't always want to burn a regular CD. It should be easy to switch between those modes.
This is apparently a probelm that Apple has been having for a while. If my Mac computing magazines are to be trusted, they have a history of adding a bunch of great features and then taking out a bunch of old great features. An example is the favorites folder which was taken out for OS X 10.4. Previously, it was easy to make your favorite appliacations all organized and available and accessible in 2-4 clicks.
Lots of companies do this. Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 had a convenient and useful slider based color picker. For some reason this was removed in Elements 3. They replaced it with another color selection method taht is more familiar to Windows users, but the old one shouldn't disapear. It should still be accessible because I liked it.
*sigh* No program should ever wreck old features for a new version. It just makes the update less worth it.
I just wish the dumbasses at Apple and Adobe and a million other companies would understand such logic.
I'm disapointed in my lack of anger. It didn't feel ranty enough to me. But whatever. I'm gonna go to bed now.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
It is not yet at Miss #3
I'm on time today, yay!
It is the thirteenth, though unfortunately, it is not a Friday. No wealths of abandoned good luck to absorb are available.
Tht was random...
and stupid...
Anyway, my Public Speaking teacher thinks I could do quite well in the "Dramatic Interpretation" category of Public Speaking competitions. I need to look for a "narrative poem" and show it to him so I can prepare.
Thats really the majority of all that happened today.
I'm really close to being able to take my game design codenamed Operation: PAYFORCOLLEGE and getting it programmed for a fee via
I greatly look forward to that.
Alright, now I shall the condense the sucktacularity or greatness of a movie into a tiny review. I shall consult my memory of viewed films now!
Drowning Mona is an absolutely excellent movie that does nothing but entertain and force the viewer to laugh. I use the word "force" in the most gregarious way possible.
The plot is about the murder of the most despicable person in the town. (Mona Dearly) Absolutely everyone is at least kind of glad that she's dead because she's just that much of a bitch. Danny Devito plays the cop on the case and he realizes that everyone is a suspect and no one wants the murderer to go to jail. Thats a subpar synopsis. I assure you that the film is far more hilarious than I am.
It has good music too, especially during the film's climax.
The movie has an excellent cast consisting of many people I don't care about and Danny Devito. The strongest and funniest performances are given by Marcus Thomas who plays the son of Mona Dearly. He is a fat loser who is only slightly less despicable than Mona and has the funniest jokes and lines.
In one scene, he puts some doughnuts on his mother's grave as a tribute. Then as the scene progresses, he says, "She's dead, she won't miss this." and takes a doughnut. Then a little later he takes another doughnut.
Its a funny albeit sometimes disturbing movie. Worth a watch if you ever get the oppurtunity. And if the oppurtunity actually does arise, I DEMAND YOU WATCH IT!
Oh, and my friend has a site now too. I feel like plugging that. enjoy.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
Fuck, I missed twice now....
At least I'm fortunate enough that my missed updates can be counted on one hand.
I prepared this gimmick in advance for yesterday, and I forgot to update, so here it is.

Its about 50kb of pure JPEGged goodness, or if you prefer, pure JPEGed crap. Also, I'd like to inform my readers that really nothing happened yesterday. You missed nothing but this picture and a message saying that there was nothing to read about.
However, I did find some cool thingers that some of my readers might find useful.
Ray Game Designer I and II are free 3D game production suites. Very simple games are possible. But anyway, its a creator of 3D games that will run on Pentium IIs and higher. Unfortunately its Windows only, it but its still a nice deal.
Ray Game Designer I will allow you to make games such as Doom or Wolfenstein 3D. Or possibly System Shock I. I'm not totally sure. I haven't actually used it yet.
Ray Game Designer II will allow for more complex, fully 3D games with low polygon counts and low resolution textures.Today, at school, nothing really happened. Honestly, it was quite uneventful.
Now I must gush about something.
I just love Exacto knives. They're such precise methods of cutting things. They have many applications such as, cutting out custom stencils and cutting out cool shapes. They can do anything scissors can but more exactly. I have no doubt they are also effective for stabbing. They're wonderful inventions and they, in my opinion, make scissors obsolete. The only better way to cut and paste is a Photoshop alpha channel, but most people don't have Photoshop and you can't make it a physical item without printing it and cutting it again. Exacto knives save me that hastle and are in conclusion excellent tools.
QUICKIE EDIT: I love the way that the image goes behind the text a little bit. It looks really cool.
Also, my readers, I'd appreciate a quick comment from each of you so I can get some sort of scope as to how many readers I have. I know my friend, Ben reads this, but aside from that, I may have no readers for all I know. I appreciate the acknowlegement of a comment, so please, take that couple of seconds and say "Hi!" with a comment.
Its just a nice thing after all the effort I put into the blog.
EDIT #2: I added some posts from my old blog. I intend to add more later. When I feel like it.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!
There is something I forgot to write about yesterday.
I felt my post about my sister and I fighting earlier was good, so here is a followup from what happened yesterday.
Stevie wanted her nose pierced. Mom took her to the place and they required ID which Stevie forgot to bring, so she couldn't get it pierced taht day. When she came home, she was totally pissed off. She came into my room, and started using the phone.
"Why can't you use your phone?"
She said something abotu the type of phone or something.
"Well can you take my phone and leave my room."
So I had an authority in the house intervene. She told Stevie to get out and she continued to stubbornly stay in my room.
Pointing towards the door, I said, "Out."
I did this a couple more times.
She started kicking me.
I forget what happened next exactly, but I remember that soon afterward, she cornered me onto my bed. As she moved in to hit me more, I kicked her. It was the most magnificent kick I had ever in my life landed. She fell right on the ground. Then she got really pissed at me. She picked up my fan and threw it at me before storming out of the room.
I wonder waht she did with the phone during all of that. I should ask the witnesses because I forget. I'm not normally such a violent person I don't think.
Today, well, not much happened. Stuff, I guess. We got a new washing machine finally replacing the old dead one. This one leaks a lot though...
I also played a lot of Farcry.
Your MP3. Thank you all for waiting patiently for it.
Its a funny song called Things that don't exist. Please enjoy it for I believe it is awesome.
Bow down to my awesome-ness for I am nifty!